

Westminster Arcade, Parliament Street, Harrogate, HG1 2RN.

Cordings are proud to announce the opening of our first ever store outside of London in our 176 year history on Thursday 26th November 2015.


by The Gentleman / 27th November 2015

The Gentlemans Journal wrote:

 ‘Cordings has been supplying London with some of the most gentlemanly attire since 1839. So it’s little wonder they have garnered a rather prestigious reputation that has attracted everyone from royals to rock stars. Its original store in Piccadilly has grown large over the years, with a whole host of products to tickle your fancy. And now, for the first time in over 100 years, Cordings is opening a brand new store today.

Located in Harrogate, along Parliament Street in the Westminster Arcade, Cordings’ new home is a listed Victorian townhouse covering three enormous floors. As one of the most prestigious shopping areas, Cordings are sure to feel right at home in their new location, with a complete refurbishment designed to perfectly reflect the London store.

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